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Feed Portal
Turkey Start Up
Bin Number(s) *
Feed Rep *
Account Number (first 4 digits of account #)
Flock Number (last 2 digits of account #)
Number of poults being placed *
Placement Date *
Expected 1st or only Ship Out Date
If ship out is over multiple dates, enter the earliest one.
Expected last Ship Out Date
If ship out is over multiple dates, enter the last one.
Bird Breed *
Sex *
Feed Program *
Safeguard Dewormer *
Select all that apply
1st feed stage
2nd feed stage
3rd feed stage
4th feed stage
5th feed stage
Date range for 1st load of feed
How many MT for your 1st order?
Your 1st order will be for the recommended amount based on your flock size if left blank. (4MT minimum on medicated feed)
If applicable